Smart Display

the SmartDisplay device

SmartDisplay was my first DIY project, which I started in the end of 2019. It’s a fork of the AWTRIX 2.0-Controller. It also used the 3D printed Matrix form the AWTRIX project.

I leaned from the project an changed something in the firmware so it’s incompatible with the base project.

I decided to create an wood case because it’s a good combination of modern technics and retro design. I used plywood from my local hardware store and a jigsaw to cut it. I am not good at woodworking. It’s not perfect but I’m happy with the result. Because I learned a lot from it.

The heart of the project is a WeMos D1 board with an ESP3266 and a 256 pixel RGB LED Matrix from Banggood.

The ESP8266 connecting to my WiFi network and my local MQTT broker. I run a small docker container with the nodejs/TypeScript based server on my Raspberry Pi. The Server communicate with the Controller via MQTT. So it’s easy extendable if you have data from sensors to show on the display.

  • communication via MQTT
  • internal temperature and humidity sensor
  • internal light sensor to control the brightness of the display
  • push button to switch to the next “app”
  • OTA updates