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Hey hey, hier ist René Schimmelpfennig

Software Engineer 👨‍💻, Team Linux 🐧, Fahrrad Aktivist 🚴‍♀️, Herrchen einer Pudeldame 🐩, Maker (3D Druck, Elektronik & Smart-Home) 👨‍🔧, Podcaster 🎤, Retro Game 🎮 & Eichhörnchen-Züchter 🐿️

Let's go - My new homepage

Hello, yes you are right here. Even if you were redirected from reneschimmelpfennig.de. There is news for you.

Since 2003 I have my own homepage, which is publicly available at www.reneschimmelpfennig.de. At that time I was still a student and made my high school diploma. I was the only one from the class with an own domain, probably also the only one who dealt with HTML in his spare time. Since the beginning I use WordPress as CMS. In between there was also an attempt to write and use my own CMS more bad than good in PHP (luckily nobody hacked me at that time).